Employee Emergency Prep Expo 2018

prep expo 2Hello Go Stay Kit, on behalf of Standard Insurance, we thank you for your time and support during our recent employee emergency preparedness expo 2018 event. We received a lot of positive feedback from individuals about the event, all thanks to you. Your participation has helped to further educate and better prepare our employees. Hence making our local community more resilient. We look forward to working with you again next time. Warmest Regards, Andrej.

prep expo 1With Oregon’s vulnerability to a catastrophic Cascadia subduction zone earthquake, the expo will emphasize preparations for an earthquake. The expo is an education-filled event designed to connect employees of Standard Insurance with the resources they need to prepare for emergencies. Throughout the expo, providers will share information and tips to build awareness and help prepare you and your family for a disaster of any proportion, from minor snowstorm disruptions, to the major service interruptions anticipated during a large and devastating earthquake.prep expo 3