The American Red Cross and FEMA are working together to create a new Shelter Field Guide. This will be the go-to book for emergency aid/disaster shelter management for the foreseeable future. It is currently in draft form, but it’s nearing completion, as a matter of fact we were told that it might have been completed already if it weren’t for superstorm Sandy.
FYI: Operating emergency shelters helps communities respond to disasters. The Shelter Field Guide helps organizations without prior disaster experience establish and maintain shelters. It also contains info helpful to organizations that wish to support a shelter, like churches, service clubs or businesses.
The NEW Shelter Field Guide is divided into 6 basic sections, they are…
- What to do Before Opening a Shelter
- Opening a Shelter
- Ongoing Shelter Operation
- Closing a Shelter
- Checklists
- Coaching Aids for first-time Shelter Operators
Shelters provide a safe place for individuals and families affected by a disaster to sleep or rest and may offer among other things, food, snacks, beverages, cots, blankets, sanitation facilities, safety, first aid, and information on recovery efforts.