Here is an alarming statistic, 70% of the American population is completely unprepared for any type of natural or manmade disaster. Out of that 70%…56% of those with access and functional needs, (who used to be called “vulnerable populations”) also have NO plan of what to do in case there is a natural or manmade disaster.
Here are some of those who would be part of the access and functional needs category. They would be among the hardest hit in any type of wide-spread disaster situation.
- those with disabilities
- those with mental illness
- those on medications
- non-English speaking
- children alone
- the elderly
- those with food allergies, i.e. gluten-free
- pregnant women
- prisoners, those in a halfway house
- homeless
- low income
Emergency responders like police, fire, and shelter aid workers will have to determine how best to facilitate the needs of these people in a disaster situation. They will have to make on-the-spot judgements using this type of criteria.
- What is the plan to deal with those with access and functional needs?
- What is their medical need?
- Can we communicate with them?
- What is their level of independence?
- What is their level of suspicion?
- Can they transport themselves?
- Do they have a GO|STAY|KIT?