Pres. Obama speaks about Hurricane SandyPresident Obama recently told Americans dealing with the effects of Hurricane Sandy to stay inside and keep watch on for the latest news and information. Local authorities in the area also told the public to rely on the Internet and their TVs for vital news and instructions. But what happens when the electricity goes out?

The GO|STAY|KIT was designed for exactly this eventuality. You simply fill out its waterproof pages, and place your important papers in its plastic pouches, and you are good to go. If you have to leave your residence and travel to an emergency aid station bring the GO|STAY|KIT, it has all your personal/medical info in one place. If you have to shelter-in-place, the GO|STAY|KIT has vital info to help you prepare a “STAY-KIT”

FYI: A year and a half ago we sent a GO|STAY|KIT to the White House addressed to President Obama, but no response. If anyone knows how to get something to the President please let us know. We would value his feedback.