Hurricane Sandy fireAt ResilienceNW recently in Portland James Roddey gave us his “Four Things You Can Do THIS WEEK to Prepare.” We would like to share those with you since it’s very important information and needs repeating.

1. Set up an out of state contact that knows how to text.
Emergency response experts tell us the only way you may be able to communicate after a big disaster is by text or Tweet, and by contacting someone out of state as local communication channels will be clogged. Make sure everyone knows to check in with the contact if you are separated.

2. Turn your phone into your most important safety tool.
From emergency contact numbers to first aid/CPR instructions, your phone can be a life saver. Download flashlight, GPS and I.C.E. apps. Create a list of rally points, prescription medication, food and medical allergies. Keep photos of loved ones and pets handy. Access important documents via Dropbox or the cloud.

3. Visit a website.
If your house was burning, what would you take with you? It’s a conflict between what’s practical, valuable and sentimental. It’s also a good way to start a conversation with family members or co-workers about putting together an emergency plan

4. Read a book.
In this engrossing and insightful book, you’ll learn the science behind how your body and mind react in a crisis. More importantly, The Unthinkable by Amanda Ripley will help you understand and shape your response when the chips are down and the worst happens. As Craig Fugate, Director of FEMA says. “It’s time to get in touch with our survival instinct.”