New FEMA Disaster Billboards 3/18/16

A great big Thank You to Lewis and Mary Ann Peterson, two of our keen-eyed GSK fans in Salem, Ore. for sending us these snap-shots of the two new FEMA signs in the state capitol. One north facing, and the other south facing. A Free GSK is heading your way at this moment, Congrats.

FEMA sign1

The signs read “Don’t Wait. Communicate.” Which is FEMA’s way of telling us to create a Family Emergency Plan before a natural or manmade disaster strikes, rather than waiting until it’s too late. A Family Emergency Plan just means sitting down with everyone and outlining; Where and when to meet up? Who does What? and How do we get in touch with each other after its over, real simple stuff like that. It doesn’t take long, and it doesn’t cost any money, and it’ll probably save your life.

FEMA is using the fire & water disaster motifs in these billboards. As one features a flood scenario-with a 20 MPH sign sticking out of a muddy river. While the other concerns wildfire-showing an out-of-control blaze raging through the dry hills of a neighborhood, consuming everything in its path-including homes.

FEMA sign2