Here are some of our GO|STAY|KIT® partners, valued customers, and outstanding supporters. They include individuals, families, seniors, businesses, government and private agencies. Police departments, law enforcement, active duty military, CERT, hospitals, RVers, convalescent-care and retirement facilities, tribal councils, area councils on aging, religious organizations and neighborhood watch groups are also part of our community of users. [Last updated May 2017]
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- FAQs
- Can anyone purchase a GSK?
- Can group orders be combined?
- Can agencies customize the GSK?
- How is the GSK manufactured?
- Do you ever update the GSK?
- How does the wristband identification system work?
- Are there agency grants available?
- What are the GSK magnets and stickers for?
- Can the GSK be reused?
- Is the GSK waterproof?
- Is the GSK copyrighted and trademarked?
- About Us