If there is an emergency and you need to EVACUATE, you should have an EVACUATION KIT, also called a “GO-KIT,” to take with you. The GO|STAY|KIT® provides you with a basic checklist.
In case there is an emergency and you must leave your residence, the GO|STAY|KIT® will help you design your own personal “GO-KIT.” The information and list contained in this section will help you gather together all the personal items that you’ll need, before you are moved to a shelter or emergency aid station.
For example, a personal “GO-KIT” might include spare eyeglasses, a hearing aid, batteries, and other necessary medical supplies.
Did you know that we can create a custom GO|STAY|KIT for your community group, business, or government agency? For a very reasonable fee, the GO|STAY|KIT can be personalized with your organization’s slogan and logo. Please contact us directly, if you have need for this type of customized Kit.