TAB 1: Instructions & Your Photo

Tab1NavTab1XIn a natural disaster, take the GO|STAY|KIT® with you if you are instructed to leave your home, or use the handy reference information if you are instructed to shelter-in-place.


The first page of the waterproof GO|STAY|KIT® begins with directions on how to use the Kit, and add the necessary personal and medical information.

There is a plastic pouch that can store a photograph of you, your service animal and/or your pets. The name of your service animal or pet can also be written on the page. Finally, you are asked to fill-in the prompt: “The most important thing to know about me is…”

The GO|STAY|KIT was designed by the Vulnerable Populations Committee of Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon. During the lengthy design process, the GO|STAY|KIT was developed to deliver correct patient medical information in levels of priority. Meaning, it organizes a patient’s vital medical information into stages to easily facilitate diagnosis and treatment.