Can you please tell all your Facebook friends to “Like” us on Facebook. We have to get to 100 “Likes” to impress Barnes & Noble. We have applied to have the GSK admitted to their stores. Many of our fans have been asking for years “Why aren’t you in Barnes & Noble, so we can just walk in there and buy a GO|STAY|KIT.” Well here’s our chance to make that happen.
We need to get the “Likes” up on Facebook as high as we can, well over 100 would really be great. We want to impress their book buyers with our social media platform. We want to show them that we have a lot to bring to the table, that we are full partners in marketing the GSK.
Not to mention that the GO|STAY|KIT is unique, and would be a wonderful addition to their stores. For the first time people would have something they could quickly buy and bring home, to help them organize themselves to be prepared for the inevitable natural disaster or medical emergency. THANKS for helping.