They had so many great classes and workshops today, it’s difficult to know where to begin. What VOAD is doing to address the nationwide drought was one workshop, we all learned so much. Private philanthropy’s role in supporting disaster response. Volunteer housing, the challenges and opportunities in recent disasters. There was a long term recovery best practices panel, and a workshop on applied social media techniques and mutual support systems. This was very interesting because in any natural or manmade disaster social media, especially Twitter will come in handy to get the info out to those who need it. Of course a GO|STAY|KIT is a must have item too. (hint)
The afternoon was filled with workshops like – international issues that impact the VOAD community. Other classes included future trends in long term recovery, and the Rhode Island response, coordination center model. Inter-organization collaboration in Superstorm Sandy, and Mississippi and Georgia was also a popular class.
So many great workshops, so little time. Can’t wait until tomorrow.