adc Wins Major Award

Screen Shot 2015-07-09 at 8.36.37 AMThe parent company for the GO|STAY|KIT, called adc advertising, or [amalgamated design concern llc.] has won a major award. We were voted the best business in Ashland, Oregon in the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services category.

Each year, in and around the Ashland, Ore. area, the Ashland Award Program chooses only the best local businesses. They focus on companies that have demonstrated their ability to use various marketing methods to grow their business in spite of difficult economic times. The companies chosen exemplify the best of small business, often leading through customer service and community involvement.

Congratulations to our GSK team, and congrats to our public/private partnership with (RVCOG) The Rogue Valley Council of Governments. This recognition is a result of the dedication and efforts that have helped build the GO|STAY|KIT into one of the leaders of the emergency preparedness industry. Our team is now a part of an exclusive group of small businesses that have achieved this distinction. Thanks again everyone.