The Three Congressmen 3/31/16

PeterAs part of our awareness campaign to get the word out about the GO|STAY|KIT, today we talked to the staffers of these 3 Congressmen. All of these elected representatives are deeply concerned with emergency preparedness, and preparing for a natural/manmade disaster is already a priority for them.

I guess what we’re hoping for here-as a public/private partnership with 20% of our earnings going to support Gusvulnerable populations, is an endorsement of the GSK, or at least to make them aware of the Kit, and the good it’ll do for their constituents.

Thank you very much Congressmen. FYI: I know that two are Democrats and one is a Republican, but if there is just one issue that could or would transcend party affiliations, it should be emergency preparedness.


Congressman Peter DeFazio

Congressman Gus Bilirakis

Congressman Earl Blumenauer