Japan-Empty Shelves, Long Gas Lines 4/19/16

store shelves emptyWe wanted to show these photos so Americans could see that panic behavior in a natural, man-made disaster, or other emergency event is not limited to the U.S. alone. Often times we see in American movies and on TV, store shelves being decimated, and people waiting in long lines trying to buy gasoline, water, etc. Seeing these photos from Japan should drive home the point that emergency preparedness (ahead of time) is a real thing and should be taken seriously.

After a natural, man-made disaster, or other emergency event happens, generally the first thing people do (after making sure their loved ones are safe) is head to the grocery store, ATM, gas station, pharmacy, etc. to make sure they have the necessary provisions that they need to survive long term.

Not knowing if the government will take care of them? This instinctual behavior is seen in all places around the world. However, after a catastrophe happens, it’s often too late to do any of this, because everyone else has the same idea.gas lines

Plan ahead, collect your emergency needs before “IT” happens, and make sure you have a Family Recovery Plan, and that your personal/medical info is tucked away in a safe place, where you can get at it quickly.