Many times we humans think that whatever is good for us is probably good for our pets too, nothing could be farther from the truth. Fireworks and marijuana are 2 shinning examples of that premise.
With the 4th of July on the horizon many of us will still be lighting off legal fireworks, or be taking our pets to see the commercial ones explode. Please do not do that, pets hear at a higher frequency than humans and the sounds of the fireworks can damage their hearing, and scare them into doing behavior that could be harmful to themselves.
With some states legalizing marijuana and other states seriously considering it, you should also know that marijuana or (Pot) is extremely harmful to your pet in either vapor or solid form. Many pets become deathly ill or even die from inhaling marijuana smoke, or ingesting edible marijuana. So please, if you live in a state that has legalized marijuana, and you have it in your home, don’t get it anywhere near your pets.