End of the Fiscal Year

seniorsAs the end of the fiscal year FAST approaches, you may have some grant funds that you need to spend. We offer a very community oriented product that was created by the Jackson/Josephine County Vulnerable Populations Committee in southern Oregon. They created this emergency preparedness kit to help individuals survive a natural/manmade disaster.

We’re a public/private partnership committed to creating a cost effective way of preparing your community, family, and friends for ANY emergency. 20% of our earnings go toward helping those with access and functional needs.

* For BULK ORDERS of 25 or more, please call (541) 727-7155 or visit www.gostaykit.org
* Email orders to [email protected]
* To order a GO|STAY|KIT for yourself, family or friends, please visit amazon.com

The GO|STAY|KIT is already in use throughout the United States by federal and state government agencies, emergency managers, faith-based organizations, convalescent care/retirement facilities, police & fire departments, recreational vehicle users, neighborhood watch groups, tribal councils, seniors, insurance companies, the hearing impaired and hospitals.

INSIDE THE KIT: You’ll find 27 waterproof pages designed to promote preparedness in a natural/manmade disaster. Each Kit contains Red Cross shelter entry forms, wristbands to identify family members and their belongings, HELP/OK door hangers, plastic pouches for personal/medical information, your pet’s information, and which emergency supplies to have on hand.

Available in English or Spanish, the Kit can also be customized with your agency’s logo & slogan.