That’s right it’s here again, but National Preparedness Month has a special meaning this year in the wake of Harvey’s devastation. Are your friends and family ready for a natural or human caused disaster? Are they ready to evacuate, shelter-in-place, or leave at a moments notice? Do you have a Go-Bag, or your personal medical info written down so you can get the correct medicine when you or your family arrives at a shelter. My guess is that the vast majority of you have done none of this!
All you have to do is look at our website or FB/twitter to see thousands of safety tips that we’ve prepared for a natural or human caused disaster? Most people haven’t done any of this. But, it’s all about survival. Do you want to save your family, neighbors, friends? Do you want to help others in your community when a disaster strikes? Or do you want to become another statistic of the injured or dead?
As we have been promoting for years FEMA just increased the time you should be able to survive without government help from 3 days to 2 weeks. That alone should tell you something. That alone should make you stop and think about what’s coming and what’s going to happen to you and your family when it gets here. It’s really up to you?