Deaf LinkWe would like to give special recognition, and a long overdue public “Thank You” to an organization that really needs no introduction. Deaf Link Inc. is a company that specializes in creating paths of communication, as well as excellent services, and video access solutions to those in need.

Several years ago they helped the GO|STAY|KIT™ (when it was called The Ready Book) with a special video presentation that outlined exactly what our new product was all about, and how it could be used to facilitate the needs of persons who are Deaf, Blind, Hard-of Hearing and Deaf-Blind, by keeping all their personal/medical information safe and in one place-in case of a natural or manmade disaster, or medical emergency. It was an excellent video and succeeded in getting the word out about our (then) newly emerging product.

Again, well done and thank you Deaf Link, and CEO Kay Chiodo, for all your help, advice, and suggestions in getting the GO|STAY|KIT™ (aka Ready Book) off the ground.