–Survival-Kits–Savings.html?soid=1114968672572&aid=2yS5vCR0NWE Thanks to all the folks in our great network, we have now topped 15,450 connections! Sunset Survival & First Aid, Emergency Kits, School Lockdown, Safety & Survival Supplies – Remember, emergency preparedness and resiliency are the keys to your family’s safety in a natural/manmade disaster. Be self-reliant.
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- Can anyone purchase a GSK?
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- Can agencies customize the GSK?
- How is the GSK manufactured?
- Do you ever update the GSK?
- How does the wristband identification system work?
- Are there agency grants available?
- What are the GSK magnets and stickers for?
- Can the GSK be reused?
- Is the GSK waterproof?
- Is the GSK copyrighted and trademarked?
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